Earlier Version of Tally
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Are you an existing user of Tally 9, 8.1, 7.2, 6.3 and earlier versions? If so, this page is for you.

We thank you - for your encouragement and support; for being the underlying factor of our growth towards the most significant product release for many years now - Tally.ERP 9.

One of the most significant capabilities now available is Remote Access and we are confident that this will open a whole new world of opportunities for accelerated growth.

We strongly encourage you to make the move to Tally.ERP 9 at the earliest.

What do you need to do? This is a two step process:
• You make the move to Tally.ERP 9
• You migrate data to this product

Moving to Tally.ERP 9

Tally 9/Tally 8.1 users

For a limited time, Tally.ERP 9 comes to you free! Your current version will work concurrently for 45 days from the date you move to Tally.ERP 9, to enable the smoothest possible transition, especially during the year end. We suggest that you make this move immediately.

Note that the new Statutory updates (Stat) for Tally 9 will be stopped immediately, and that product support will also be withdrawn in the near future. (date to be announced).

Tally 7.2/6.3 users

Both these products are at the end of their lives and unsupported for a few years now - even customer support is no longer available. Very few customers still use these products. You can move to Tally.ERP 9.

Tally 5.4 and earlier versions

These products are several years old by now and many opportunities to move to later versions have been made earlier. Moving to Tally.ERP 9 is still recommended - which will be at the full price.

Migrating data to Tally.ERP 9

Data from earlier versions can be migrated easily, and our partners will be glad to help you in this area.

For a practicing Chartered Accountant

We are pleased to make available the Auditors' Edition of Tally.ERP 9 free for all of you using Silver or Gold editions of Tally 9/8.1/7.2/6.3.


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